Friday, March 11, 2011

week one web weaver
this URL will bring you to s website that women(and men) open up about their sexual assaults and rapes. In the book the main character Janina Latus has encountered a lot of sexual acts that she did not want to find herself in. she was raped one night coming home from a club with her friend and did not talk about the rape until a decade later. I believe she did not speak of this because when she was a younger girl she was babysitting for the next door neighbors and the father came home early and tried to rape her. Janina told her father who himself was a bit odd about what happened and he called her a slut and to never speak of what happened. Through out the first couple of chapters Janina seems she can not win with men taking advantage of her and she ends up thinking that sex was the only thing she was good for.
With knowing really teaching her how to stay out of harms way of men.Janina found herself in horrifying situation in this video it will show you some ways to protect yourself if you come into this situation.

check these out they are really helpful!


  1. i totally spelt her name wrong but i left my book in my car and frankly its cold so i did my best thanks :)

  2. I think that was rly good hit that main abuse parts, and that what you we covering. You did a good job descibing how they would affect her. Her father was a scumb bag i wanted to kick him in the face when i read the baby sitting part. It must have been hard for her to think women were only for sex.... we clean too! haha just kidding! lol but yea that must have been hard. I cant wait to read more into the book

  3. Amber, I take karate as you know, I find it very helpfull to know for self defense. I also feel that karate has giving me more of a self esteem. I think that it has been hard for Janine because she has been threw alot in the first couple of chapters that we have read. The situtation with the guy that she babysat for was very disturbing. Its disturbing to think that Janine thinks that all men want is sex, some of them do. Its is also very distrubing to me that there are guys that the only thing that they can think about is sex. I believe the videos that you uploaded are a good choice because it shows people how to defend themselves especially females.

  4. You did a wonderful job with explaing all the bad things that happen two her in life.Even though all this happen it made her a very strong indepent woman in life.I was alos upset with how her father reacted when she told them about what happen to her.
