This website is about people telling there stories about abuse. How to help others threw problems they've faced. In the novel, Janine's husband and past boyfriends have thrown her around like a ragdoll. Nobody should feel like that, it's not right. Millions of men, women, and children alike have been abused. its rare if they report it, thinkning they are protecting there loved ones. What they dont know is that if you protecting them from getting introuble then who's protecting you from getting abused by them?
In this URL it shows what a few people think about men tring to control women. A problem found more often then one would think. Men have made women cook, clean, and take care of all house hold things including the children. They think they have to be the 'man " of the house.... FALSE!!! you can have a perfectly ran house hold with both parents taking on a job and taking care of the children, and house chores. Some men thnk they work at tehre job and women do there jobs at home, not believing women can do much more. Janine suffers with this, Kurt works, Janine plans the childrens sceduals, cooks, cleans and she works at home. Janine maintane all of these things with stress but still woman are just as strong as men are, some women stronger because they want to prove to men they can do more and they do.
Abuse isnt acceptable, I dont agree with the fact that men should be able to sometimes get away with it, I believe that all men who beat their wifes and or girlfriends should be put in prison for the rest of their lives. It upsets me that men think that they can get away with beating women because the women eith er says something to make them angry or does something that makes the men have the urge to beat on her.
ReplyDeleteI agree Libby. Men shouldnt be able to put any kind of abuse on a woman. Mental, Sexual or Physical. It's not right for some women to do it either. I think men with anger issues or control issues should seek help immediately.
ReplyDeleteI also agree with Libby. Abuse isn't acceptable. No one should have to go through it, its doesn't matter if it's physical or emotional abuse. They are both abuse. It isn't right that men can take over and get away with it. Men should learn how to control their anger so that there is less abuse.
ReplyDeletei love you web weaver. you asked a really good question in your first paragraph it honestly would make me call for help if i was a battered women,because your right if your protecting someone from getting introuble how r u going to protect you going to protect yourself which could go with any sistuation. i also agree with your secind statement in a house hold each parent holds equal things to do so why should "the man" be the one who is big bad all mighty person.