Friday, April 1, 2011

Week 4 - Web Weaver
If you click this link it will bring you to a whole website about eating disorders. I decided to put this link in here because in the book Unbearable Lightness she is struggling throughout the whole book with losing weight. She binges and purges herself a lot so she can fit in her modeling clothes or whatever she wants to look good for. The link gives you all different sorts of information and where you can find treatment if you have any of the symptoms.
This video is called Someone I Once Knew by Dead Celebrity Status. It's about anorexia. It pretty much talks about what the girls go through when they have that disease. Like how the super skinny beautiful celebrities make them want to be that thin so they starve themselves or puke themselves so they can hopefully look that way.


  1. that song fits the book really well. i kinda like the song too...

  2. I like how the song is from a guy's prespective because that shows that guy also knows how anorexia can effect women too. And the website fitts with the book very well.
